Energy Independence: The First Step
Energy independence has become more and more appealing to a lot of customers trying to transition away from their utility companies. A lot of customers have the desire to be off the grid completely, which can certainly be achieved. Going solar is the first step to take.The term ‘net-zero home’ has gotten a lot of attention throughout the past few years. A net-zero home essentially is a home fully run by renewable energy such as solar panels. A home of this kind produces as much energy as it uses. Typically, a net-zero home uses less electricity because the concept is to reduce, then reuse. Given that, everything in the house down to the LED light bulbs is energy efficient. This is the big picture for some of our clients, but it’s not magic, we have to start somewhere.For those of us who simply want to get closer to energy independence, solar is the first step. Just as the above image describes, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” We don’t have to achieve full energy independence right away, but we do know how we can start. The goal overall may be to become completely energy independent, but taking baby steps can help you get there. To become self-sufficient, solar is the first step.